About us
The Chinmaya Mission UK has been teaching Advaita Vedanta in the traditional way through weekly classes, talks, workshops, seminars and retreats. More information can be obtained on these activities from our website: www.chinmayauk.org
Chinmaya Academy is the wing responsible for conducted educational programmes on many aspects of Vedanta and related subject which include Sanskrit and Vedic Mathematics. The recently launched Chinmaya University is the mother organisation of Chinmaya Mission which is offering unique course blending Ancient Wisdom with Modern Knowledge to give a holistic education of much benefit to the individual and society in general.
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As a young man, Swami Chinmayananda undertook a quest that would in turn inspire the individual quests of thousands of seekers to know the Truth about human existence. The culmination of one strand of the Swami Chinmayananda’s quest and vision is the establishment of the Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth – an institution that will launch the academic quest of students as they seek to discover their calling and purpose in life.
The Founder – Swami Tejomayananda
In his role as Founder, Guruji sees the launch of the Chinmaya Academy as a logical extension of the Chinmaya Mission’s core role of teaching and sharing the wisdom of the Indian knowledge traditions. For over six decades, in the unique institutions called the Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Chinmaya Mission has focused on training students to become monks who undertake the larger role of spreading the message of Vedanta to society. Monks are trained formally in an intense two-year course of study in the traditional Gurukula mode. Sandeepany Sadhanalayas have existed outside the formal University system and enabled the Chinmaya Mission to sustain and carry the essence of the Upanishads across the world.
Swami Swaroopananda
Ancient Indian culture has a very rich heritage of knowledge in literally all aspects of life. Entrenched in the uniquely precise language of Sanskrit, this knowledge bank covers various streams including the sciences, the arts, economics, politics, philosophy, psychology and even organisational leadership; in fact, no field of human endeavour remains untouched by this vast treasury of wisdom.
It is an unfortunate reality, however, that such an impressive body of well-tested knowledge has been ‘obscured’ from society, particularly in terms of its application potential, through the passage of time. Chinmaya Academy aims to reverse that trend by cultivating scholarship designed to rediscover, revive and restore such knowledge to its rightful place in our collective mind, in an innovative and practical manner that also enables this intellectual capital to grow and find new expression in the modern-day context.
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Chinmaya International Foundation